Farmington Hills CIA Grant

Site Improvement Grant Program

Purpose: The purpose of this grant program is to encourage businesses to make site improvements that will enhance the overall aesthetic value of the district and foster reinvestment obsolescence within the Grand River Corridor.  

Site Improvement Grant Guidelines

Maximum Grant Amount

The maximum grant to be awarded to any individual project in a fiscal year is $30,000.  Grants are reimbursable after the project is complete, and shall not exceed 50% of the total amount spent on eligible activities.

Eligible Applicants

Those eligible for the grant must be property owners or business owners within the geographical boundaries of the Farmington Hills Grand River Corridor Improvement Authority.  If the building occupied by the business is leased, five years must be remaining on the lease from the time the project is expected to be complete.  There must be written correspondence from the property owner consenting to the proposed improvements and grant application.


  1. The property must be located in the Farmington Hills Grand River Corridor Improvement Authority District.  No projects outside of this district will be considered.
  2. The property must be up to date on all taxes and governmental fees.
  3. The property must not have any outstanding code enforcement violations.
  4. Build-outs specific to new tenant recruitment will be given consideration.  Preparation items such as electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and shell improvements related to readying the site for leasing will not be considered.  
  5. Highest consideration will be given to projects that support the goals and objectives of the Grand River Corridor Improvement Authority.  
  6. All items purchased or installed must be permanent trade fixtures.  Items that can be picked up and moved such as furniture, fixtures, and inventory will not be considered under the Site Improvement Grant.
  7. The improvement must be a defined project, not part of an ongoing improvement.  No grant will be awarded for work already completed.
  8. All plans for the improvements must comply with the City of Farmington Hills plan review process and ordinances.
  9. Businesses are eligible for a grant once per fiscal year.
  10. The Farmington Hills Grand River Corridor Improvement Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any application based on a review of the value, need and benefit of the project to the Corridor Improvement Authority District, and to award anywhere up to the maximum grant limits, regardless of the requested amount.  Amendments and add-ons will not be considered.
  11. Applicants will be required to comply with the City of Farmington Hills purchasing policies.  All contracts are required to be “by and between” the contractor(s) and the business/property owner.  Work must be conducted by licensed and insured workers.  It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the Corridor Improvement Authority with three verifiable quotes for all project work.


All activities must comply with the City of Farmington Hills design standards, zoning ordinance, building regulations and fire code requirements.

Eligible Activities: Acquisition of adjacent property for expansion, Americans with Disabilities Act compliance items, landscaping and hardscaping, paint, building signage, exterior lighting, parking lot improvements, including resurfacing, and façade upgrades.

Ineligible Activities: Routine or deferred maintenance, repairs or changes mandated by code enforcement, working capital, work done prior to receiving the grant, and services paid for in trade or completed in-house.

Grant Procedure

  1. Pre-Application Meeting: Meet with the Economic Development Director to determine eligibility, review program requirements, and develop a customized schedule of application submission.
  2. Grant Application Submittal: Completed applications must be submitted to the Economic Development Director.  Electronic applications should be sent to or mailed/delivered to City of Farmington Hills Attn: Samantha Seimer, 31555 W. Eleven Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48336.
  3. Board Review: The grant application will be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Grand River Corridor Improvement Authority Board.  It is expected that the applicant will attend the meeting to review the project plans with the Board and answer any questions that may arise.  The Board will approve or deny the application.
  4. Construction and Project Tracking: If awarded a grant, the recipient must obtain three written quotes for all site improvement work to be funded under the grant.  It is the responsibility of the recipient to track and maintain all records related to the site improvement project.  After the project is complete, the applicant will submit all receipts and the appropriate certificates of completion to the Economic Development Director.
  5. Grant Payout: City staff and the Grand River Corridor Improvement Authority Board will verify that the completed work matches or exceeds the work on the application and will then authorize payment to the recipient.  As a reminder, the total dollar amount of the grant shall not exceed 50% of the total project costs, or the amount authorized by the Corridor Improvement Authority Board during review.

Site Improvement Grant Application