The Grand River Corridor Vision Plan lays out a broad vision for the redevelopment of the Grand River Corridor. The Grand River CIA Boards needed to better understand the challenges of the area and the Community’s aspirations for the Corridor. This document serves as the foundation for the efforts of the two CIAs and will guide the prioritization of resources.

Key Findings From Public Involvement

  •  Develop a brand for the corridor
  •  Improve the overall character
  •  Enhance community gathering
  •  Increase connections
  •  Offer more housing options
  •  Improve mobility
  •  Connect with the natural environment
  •  Encourage redevelopment in target areas
  •  Slow traffic
  •  Strengthen the economy
  •  Re-purpose the historic winery
  •  Offer more parks and recreation areas

Elements of the Vision Plan

  • Existing Conditions: Describes the nature of the existing Corridor and identifies some of its challenges.
  • Public Involvement: Outlines the observations of the community and its wishes.
  • Vision: The desired outcome of the corridor expressed in simple terms.
  • Development Principles: Statements of purpose that describe the desired direction of future growth.
  • Future Land Use/Priority Development Areas: Lays out a preferred land use that helps achieve the Corridor Vision with a focus on four (4) Priority
  • Development Areas. These areas were identified as the best opportunities for catalytic redevelopment along the Corridor.
  • Recommendations: Details recommendations for transportation and zoning changes.
  • Implementation: Outlines the objectives needed to achieve each development principle.